NOREMO is alive!
Company News

NOREMO is alive!

Matthew Jones
June 2024

I was delighted to be at Olympia on Monday 10th June 2024 to launch NOREMO on the first day of London Tech Week.

After what’s been several hectic weeks in the launching (and 25 years in the making!), it was great to get out and talk to so many people about NOREMO’s proposition, to get real-time feedback from all sorts of people, and to see and to hear some interesting panel discussions between famous faces in the investment and tech industries. 

It was also great to meet some old friends and former colleagues and to see so many international visitors from all around the world. 

A Great Britain is one that is open to talented people and welcoming to all - regardless of passport origin. I’m hoping that that country is going to be back with us very soon. After too many years of governments run by comedians and speculators, then it’s going to be refreshing to have some serious people take charge. People that consult and listen to experts before deciding what they think is the right thing to do for the broadest benefit for all sections of society will be a welcome change. Actions have consequences. All we need now is for the new government to make some early demonstrations of their positive intent. And then business and the wider community will benefit from some clarity and consistency on start-up and scale-up policy - which in itself will provide a welcome boost to the UK’s economic trajectory.

BVCA hosted breakfast reception at Stride VC on the scale up gap

Also since announcing the launch of NOREMO online via LinkedIn on the Friday previous, it’s been a really nice surprise to have a number of very smart Devs (and Consulting and Sales people) all of whom I’ve worked with before to get in contact to say they want to come and build something with me, which is pretty cool - if a little unexpected!!!

At NOREMO we value:

  • Controlling our own destiny
  • Setting things up right from the start
  • Finding everyday patterns for success
  • Thoughtfulness and humility
  • Listening and collaborating
  • Seeking feedback early
  • Speedy execution
  • Iterating til we’ve fixed it / solved it / smashed it
  • Enjoying what we do everyday
  • Curiosity, optimism and focus
  • Getting home before the street lights switch on (or off)! 

More to come in future news posts at

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